InFlow; in·flow | \ ˈin-ˌflō
riding the waves of everyday life
aligned in mind, body, and heart
All too often, emotional wellness is overlooked.
Many of us think that if we don't acknowledge pain, anxiety or stress, we won't feel it.
And if we don't feel; if we avoid, numb out, or distract, the feelings will just go away.
When they don't, we suffer.
We may experience physical pain, struggle in our relationships, drink or use drugs, or stall on our goals and passions.
Emotion is part of the human experience.
It breeds mental toughness and grit, the ability to endure & persevere.
Emotions don't only exist, but truly serve us once we open up and accept them and learn how to manage the ups and downs everyday life brings.
InFlow Wellness is a psychotherapy and coaching practice dedicated to helping people align in mind, body and heart.
True change happens when we listen to our internal experience, move towards it, examine our thinking, and take intentional action as a result.

What People Say
Rachel is the rare therapist who is concise without being clinical, and compassionate without being condescending. Whereas other providers seem to be ill-equipped for these COVID times and digital sessions, Rachel thrives in them and easily creates the rapport and connection needed for meaningful interaction and progress. I would be lying if I said therapy was easy or even fun (it isn't supposed to be fun!), but Rachel makes it tolerable and effective and that's what you want in a therapist. I enjoyed her approach and my results so much that I sought her out after my insurance situation changed and I cannot recommend her highly enough for anyone searching for a quality provider for remote sessions. She will give you the tools you need to use and show you the patterns you need to see to get you the results you want to have. Much in the same way you feel relieved when you find a good mechanic you can trust, you will thank yourself once you book your first appointment with Rachel.
Rachel's services have been life-changing for me. Getting therapy is certainly one of the best choices I have made in life. She helped me walk through challenges in simple ways I couldn't believe were so effective. I honestly have a new perspective on life thanks to her guidance. I have tangible tools that I will carry with me for as long as possible. To this day, when I experience a challenge I wonder " what would Rachel say?"